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Become a Member

To advance from Apprentice to full RaidGuild Member, you must complete your cohort journey and secure the support of a Champion within the Guild. Your Champion will stake $RAID tokens on your behalf, signaling their confidence in your readiness. For details on how this sponsorship works, see Champion a New Member.

Once you’ve completed the Champion process and met membership requirements, you’re eligible to ascend to Member status and receive 100 shares in the Raid Guild DAO. Here’s how to proceed:

Meeting Membership Expectations

To ensure your Champion’s stake is returned, complete the following within your first 60 days as a member (starting from when your membership proposal is processed):

  1. Participate in at Least One Raid or RIP: Join and actively contribute to at least one Raid or RIP. Projects can be ongoing or completed within this timeframe, provided you are in good standing.
  2. Attend Guild Meetings: Participate in at least two Guild meetings, including Roundtables or Raider Rallies, to stay engaged with the community.
  3. Show Alignment with Guild Values: Demonstrate your commitment to the Guild’s principles and values, as evaluated by the DAO.

Steps to Membership

  1. Submit a Membership Proposal: Follow the Proposal Process to submit a Membership Proposal. Request enough shares to reach the 100-share cap in the Raid Guild DAO.
  2. Include Stake Verification: In your proposal description, provide a link to the Blockscout transaction showing your Champion’s $RAID stake. This link is essential for the DAO to confirm the staking.

Note: All new members are capped at 100 Shares, requiring 500 wxDAI.

Once your proposal passes and is finalized, you’ll officially hold 100 shares, marking your full membership in Raid Guild!

Final Steps: Discord Access

To join member-exclusive channels, follow the instructions on the Discord Bots page. Now, you’re ready to join a Raid!